
Working in Partnership


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  • Level: Diploma
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Introduction to Working in Partnership

Working in partnership with health and social care organizations is identified as an effective strategy for successfully transferring services to its service users and service providers as well. Working in a partnership is beneficial for people who plan and provide services to other people, by putting together new and improved solutions for difficult problems. This report is based on a case scenario of health and social care organizations in residential settings. This report will help in understanding the partnership philosophies and relationships in health and social care services as well as how to promote positive partnerships working with service users, professionals, and organizations in health and social care.

Task 1

1.1 The Philosophies of Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care

At the time of working in a partnership firm, there are some philosophies that relates to partnership working. These philosophies are as follows...

Shared Vision

Shared vision is a structure that supports and facilitates the development of health and social care organization. Shared vision in partnership is developed by people with the help of communication within the health and social care organization. Shared vision in partnership brings individuals, statutory agencies, and key communities together. All the partners of health and social care organizations have the responsibility of promoting health care and collecting information about current issues and concerns. Shared vision philosophies work along with shared responsibility of providing effective health care services.

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Further, empowerment in health and social care organization is a process by which people increase their control on decision making and activities which affects the health of service users. Empowerment is a critical foundation between clients and professionals for developing an honest relationship. For instance, once in a healthcare organization, the patient was treated with the wrong medication which made a negative impact on the patient's health. This issue affected the quality of the organization. However, being an internal quality assurance officer, it was my responsibility to develop empowerment of effective decision making in patients so that they can take efficient actions for their treatment. This philosophy of empowerment helped in improving the quality of health and social care organization.


Independence is one of the effective philosophies in partnership. Independence is free from outside control. In terms of partnership in health and social care organization, independence is the ability to make effective decisions that affect individuals' lives without anyone's control whether it is a family member or health care professional. Independence in all individuals creates the power of decision making and self-confidence which can be helpful in improving the quality of healthcare organization.


Moreover, the philosophy of equity creates fairness. Equity in partnership means, every patient should be treated equally and should be provided equal access to health services equally. The philosophy of equity improves the quality of healthcare organizations as it provides each client with effective and equal care.

1.2 Evaluating Partnership Relationship Within Health and Social Care Services

Health and social care professionals in residential settings have significant relationships with partners. The relationship of partnership within the health and social care services can be evaluated on various levels. All levels of relationships and professional groups are based upon some activities that are related to the performance and quality of the organization. These levels of partnership relationship are service user professionals, interpersonal level relationships, and organizational level relationships. Service user- Professionals relationship in a residential setting is very important. The health care professionals in residential settings are the part of the unit who are directly related to service users, as they provide their services their professional services to them. Similarly, service users get services from healthcare professionals. Thus, both of them share an effective relationship with each other. However, health care professionals provide effective services to users of services with some extra settlement in a short time but sometimes it is not possible to provide them long-term benefits.

Furthermore, one of the most important levels of partnership relationships in a residential setting is the interpersonal level relationship. In this level of relationship, the service professionals establish relationships with the service users who are old, retired workers, and mentally challenged people who are less demanding and are not able to say what they need. The health care professionals establish effective communication with them. Through this, they can feel free to share their views, and healthcare professionals can provide effective services to them. Mostly, category people who are old and retired from their work and feel isolated due to some personal reasons. Hence, this leads to give more stress on the interpersonal level of the working partnership. Moreover, the partnership relationship becomes more important when working in partnership. The development of partnership relationships at the organizational level provides fruitful suggestions by which services can be improved in residential settings. Organizational-level relationship helps in gathering information about organizational development and improvement of health care service in residential settings. However, sometimes effective mutual working is difficult in organizational settings because of differences in authorities and cultural gaps. Meantime, the health care professional can maintain proper responsibility for health and social care in partnership working at organizational level through their support and by giving feedback to their co-workers and clients as well.

Task 2

2.1 Models of Partnership Working in the Health And Social Care Sector

Partnership working in residential settings applies various theoretical models of partnership. These models are as follows,

Unified Model

A unified model of partnership provides the combined trust of partners that possess individual financial systems and individual strategic direction, aims, and objectives in providing effective quality health and social care services. There are so many benefits of a unified model of partnership as it decreases the delay charges because of intermediate care specialist's investment enhances integrated working and reduces the waiting time. Applying the unified model of partnership in working, it can be beneficial in improving the quality of residential settings because of its integrated system of working.

Coordination Model

The coordination model of partnership working facilitates partners to function in an independent way and at the same time this model facilitates coordination with staff and people stay well-defined individually. Mostly, local government healthcare organization applies this model in partnership with working to improve the quality of residential settings. Integrated individual structure is not possible in a coordinated model of partnership working.

Coalition Model

Further, the coalition model of partnership working enables the residential settings to work corporately settled by an agreement to function the health care services with common intention. As per this model, a partnership of residential settings works together for a common objective. This common objective of partnership can result in improved quality of residential settings in health and social care organization.

Problem-Oriented Partnership

This model of partnership is designed to resolve the problems in health and social care organization. Problem-oriented partnership understands the issues of clients and tries to resolve them by developing strategies and solutions. The problem-oriented partnership helps in improving the quality of health and social care organization that service users are facing.

Ideological partnership

Further, in the ideological partnership model, the viewpoints of both healthcare professionals and service users are considered for effective decision making. For instance, if the service user is suffering from some serious disease that has to be treated immediately by specialist. Then health care professionals will encourage the service user to make effective decisions or to participate in decision making procedures.

Ethical Partnership

there is one more model of partnership working which is ethical partnership. This ethical partnership improves the living of both healthcare professionals and service users. Further, this partnership working is beneficial in improving the quality and safety of the health and social care organization.

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2.2 Reviewing the Current Legislation and Organizational Practices and Policies

The legislation affects the working practices of health and social care organizations. These legislations work to protect children, adults and younger, disabilities, diversity, equality, mental and physical health, etc. The government of the UK has implemented various legislation and policies in health and social care organization to improve service quality. These are as follows...

Health and Social Care Act 2012

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 is an act by the government of the UK to provide a large structure for reorganizing the national health services in the UK. This act was created to establish independent national health services, promote patients' choices, and reduce the costs of national health services. This act helps in strengthening the role of the Care Quality Commission which can be helpful in improving the quality of health and social care organizations in the UK. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 is beneficial for health and social care organizations as it provides resources and commissioning guidance to the National Health Services Board.

Care Quality Commission Regulation 2009

The Care Quality Commission Act of the UK is a nondepartmental public body of the Health and Social Care Department. This act was established in 2009 to examine and regulate the quality of healthcare services in the UK. This act was formed to ensure that hospitals, healthcare organization, general care services, and care homes are providing safe, high-quality, and effective services to people. Moreover, this act also encourages these organizations to improve the service quality in the healthcare sector. This act carries out the role of monitoring and inspecting that health care service to patients is proper and hygienic.

Safety and Quality Act of 2015

The new act was made by the UK government to prevent harm to the people who are receiving medical care. The practical execution of this act is awaited to be affected by the Care Quality Commission of the UK. According to this act health care organization will take care of safety and quality while providing service in residential settings of health care organization.

2.3 Differences in Working Practices & Policies Affect the Collaborative Working

The differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working because of the implementation of various working practices and policies. For instance, in health care organization there may be many departments and sectors. All the departments have separate working practices. As an administrative department and finance department they both have different working practices and policies that can affect collaborative working. Moreover, healthcare organizations also possess specialists in healthcare departments like neurologists doctors, physicians, and cardiologists doctors. All of them are specialized in different fields and hold less knowledge of other specialists' working practices and policies. These variations of specialization affect the collaborative working in health and social care organization.

The difference in working practices and policies is because of a lack of knowledge. In collaborative working in health and social care organizations these different working practices can create many confusions and issues to the health care professionals regarding their working practices and responsibilities in specific situations. However, there are many other policies and working practices such as statutory and voluntary, that affect the collaborative working in health and social care organization. Further, the service providers of the organization also affect the partnership working. Healthcare organizations possess separate service providers in each department with various roles and responsibilities it can be difficult for them to understand and handle other individuals' responsibilities however, these are all the factors that affect the collaborative working in health and social care organization.

Task 3

3.1 Outcomes of Partnership Working for Service Users, Professionals, and Organizations

The possible outcome of the partnership working in health and social care organizations can be analyzed at three different levels. These are as follows...

Possible Outcomes for Service Users

As a positive outcome of partnership working it enables service user to make effective decisions regarding their health care by enhancing empowerment in them. Empowerment provides the opportunity for service users to participate in social groups and enhance their ability to react to the decisions that are made by social groups. For instance, if the service user is allergic to some medication then they would be able to share their viewpoint with health care professionals. The positive outcome of partnership working for service users is they will be able to manage their oppressors effectively.

Possible Outcomes for Healthcare Professionals

Further, partnership working will increase the efficiency of health care professionals. Partnership working will provide them with in-depth knowledge of the service user's disease or illness and will help them in providing better and quality services. Moreover, the empowerment of service users will enable the professionals to standardize the services. They will provide quality services according to the requirements of service users and enable the professional to utilize the resources efficiently. However, there are some negative outcomes also of partnership working as sometimes it creates miscommunication with service users and organizations that create conflicts.

Possible Outcomes for Organizations

The outcome for health care organizations of partnership working is that it helps in improving the quality of services. The health care firms can use suggestions and feedback from partners such as healthcare professionals and service users to improve the quality of health services. As a positive outcome of improved quality services in partnership working it will increase the sales and profitability of the health organization. Moreover, partnership working will provide them with efficient knowledge for standardizing the quality of services and integrated services in the organizations. However, partnership working has some negative outcomes as well as it increases the costs to the company.

3.2 Analyzing the Potential Barriers to Partnership Working

Partnerships working in health and social care organizations face many difficulties. The potential barriers to partnership working for service users, professionals and organizations are as follows,

Lack of Proper Knowledge Regarding Roles & Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of each partner should be described clearly in the healthcare organization. Sometimes partners do not understand the roles and responsibilities of each other. This creates confusion and conflicting situations in health care organizations. This lack of improper knowledge of roles and responsibilities is the main barrier to partnership working.

Unwillingness in Sharing Information

One more barrier to partnership working is an unwillingness to share proper information. For instance, if some patients are not providing proper information about their disease then healthcare professionals will be unable to provide proper treatment. Similarly, patients are suffering from some serious problems,s and healthcare professionals are not sharing information with patients because of the patient's health issues. These are all the barriers that partnership workers face regularly in health and social care organization.

Different Partnership Philosophies

Moreover, Every partner possesses different philosophies and ethics of partnership working such as empowerment, utilitarianism, etc. These unique philosophies of partners enable conflict situations which is the main barrier to partnership working.

Lack of Clear Direction or Leadership for the Partnership

One more potential barrier in partnership working is not having a common goal and objective in partnership working due to improper direction and weak leadership. However, it is very important for partners to establish a common objective of working together. Thereby, healthcare organizations need to develop effective leadership in people for effective partnership working.

Lack of Training among Partners for Managing Health Care Issues

Furthermore, the partnership working has the potential barrier of not getting proper training for managing the healthcare issues. Due to this issue, health care professionals are unable to provide effective services to their patients. For instance, health care professionals have so many patients in a day and they are unable to resolve them because of ineffective management assignment help. Thus, it is a barrier to partnership working.

3.3 Strategies to Improve Outcomes for Partnership Working

The strategies to improve the outcomes of partnerships working in health and social care organizations are as follows...

Developing Effective Communication

To improve the positive outcomes of partnerships working in health and social care organization development of effective communication is essential. By developing effective communication between partners will help in increasing efficient decision-making and a philosophy of empowerment. Moreover, good interpersonal communication with service users can resolve many health issues.

Collecting Proper Information

Another important strategy to improve the positive outcomes of partnership working is gathering proper information from patients and health care professionals as well. By the open platform of giving suggestions and feedback, the quality and services of the health and social care organization can be improved which will lead the health care organization towards increased sales and profitability.

Shared Responsibility

Furthermore, the strategies of shared responsibilities between healthcare professionals and service users will also bring effectiveness to services. For instance, the service users have the responsibility to share all their health issues with the health care professional. Moreover, healthcare professionals also have to responsibility to provide effective treatment to service users. This shared responsibility of helping one another will improve the quality of health and social care organizations in the UK.

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Hence, it is concluded in this report that there are many philosophies are there for health and social care organization to maintain the relationship in health and social care organizations while working in partnership. The maximum positive outcomes can be gained by effective working partnerships. There are various models of partnership such as the unified model, coordination model, coalition model, ideological partnership, problem-oriented partnership, ethical partnership, etc. All these model plays significant roles and responsibilities in partnership working. Moreover, the government of the UK has formed various legislation in order to improve the quality of health and social care organization. These legislations are made in various aspects of health and social care such as, to provide effective health and social care service to people, to improve the quality of health care services in the UK, and to provide efficient health care services to specific challenged people.


  • Aubrey, R. and Cohen, P. M., 2000. Working Wisdom: Timeless Skills and Vanguard Strategies for Learning Organizations. Jossey-Bass.
  • Beautieu, M.C. and Carnevale, F.A. 2002. Partnership: an analysis of the concept within the nurse-client relationship. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
  • Bond, J. and Syson, G., 2010. Integrating Health and Social Care Teams in Salford. Journal of Integrated Care.
  • Boydell, L. R. and Rugkåsa, J., 2007. Benefits of working in partnership: A model. Critical Public Health.
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